The Thomas 5 long years with PCOS and now IVF

Scranton, PA (US)
Created 1 year ago
Fertility Treatments

The Thomas 5 long years with PCOS and now IVF

by Celibeth Thomas

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Scranton, PA (US)

Celibeth Thomas is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Celibeth, and I am 30 years old I come from a low-income family and English is not my first language so please excuse any misspellings or grammar I may make.

I have been married for seven years to my husband Cesar, I have an 11-year-old from a previous relationship that ended badly, I was mentally and physically abused but thank God who helped me get out of that relationship, and was able to place him behind bars after I was almost beaten to death.

As I mentioned before I have now been married for seven lovely and wonderful years, but unfortunately we have been trying for five years, due to my PCOS it has been a very long and hard time, I was diagnosed with PCOS after I had my son. We have tried medications, like Femera, Clomid, and injections, we also did four cycles of IUI in 2021 but it was unsuccessful. Last year in 2022 we found out in November that I was pregnant with no treatment, But unfortunately, our baby girl died when I turned five months pregnant. Her heart stopped beating because she had Turner Syndrome. It was the most hurtful and difficult news any parent can have, I was going through a very hard time with depression and Honestly, if it was not for my husband, my son, my mother, and God I would have never made it out of that dark circle.

Our Fertility doctor told us it was nothing that we did that made our daughter have Turner, she explained that it happened because of the sex chromosomes, but because I have PCOS, am also getting older, and had a miscarriage at five months so I was put in the high-risk category for future pregnancies. She said now our only option is to try IVF, We could try IUI again but because we did four cycles and none worked she said she wouldn’t suggest we go down that route again because she doesn’t believe it will work and it would be more money lost, So her recommendations are IVF.

This is why I am putting this IVF Treatment Fundraising up because we have been tight on money and IVF in my area with Geisinger is very expensive around 20,000 to 25,000, but we still hope to make our dream come true. My husband has no biological kids, his only child is my son whom he has raised since he was three years old, but he never has had the privilege to be a father since the very beginning. I am currently in school to become a registered nurse and I hope one day I can pay forward any help that comes my way, in 2022 I won a local scholarship grant that went towards my tuition and I hope one day I can pay that forward as well.

Becoming parents again is very important for us and is a dream not only for us but also for my son. He was very happy he was going to be a big brother when we lost our baby girl that was a very hard time for him too. This fundraising will be such a blessing for my family and me. I know a new baby will not fill in the empty spot my daughter left us, But it will help us be filled and help us with our wish to be parents again and grow our family.

Donating $5 or even $1 dollar can go a long way, with everyone giving us a little bit of help we can get closer to our dream of becoming parents again.